AIBP announces 2022 winners of ASEAN Tech for ESG Awards
AIBP has announced the three winning entries of its ASEAN Tech for Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Awards to be presented at the 2022 AIBP ASEAN Innovation Retreat.
AIBP notes that ESG priorities guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) have become a crucial focus for business resilience and sustainable development within the company.
However, it adds that digitalisation is the key economic driver in ASEAN, and as part of this, the region is increasing its focus on how technology supports its sustainability agenda.
In addition, a survey of businesses in the region found that the top three UNSDGs they believe will benefit the most from technology are industry, innovation and infrastructure, sustainable cities and communities, and affordable and clean energy.
These goals were addressed by the winning entries of the 2022 ASEAN Tech for ESG Awards:
Aboitiz Equity Ventures
The company fosters eco-efficient operations and financial inclusion by using frontier technologies within its business units.
UnionBank has been able to promote financial inclusion by using Aboitiz Data Innovation's data science and AI capabilities.
Further, Aboitiz Power and Republic cement managed to get the most out of resources and reduce wastage with AI and machine learning.
"We said, 'Let's have that entity and capability that knows data', and actually [show] that sustainability, eco-friendliness and profit are not oxymorons, these goals can be achieved concurrently," Aboitiz Group chief data - innovation officer Dr David R. Hardoon says.
Globe Telecom
The Philippines-based telco provider has used predictive data analysis and machine learning to pre-empt the impact of extreme weather conditions and natural disasters on the community.
Its Digital Thumbprint Programme (DTP) educates the public and promotes responsible behaviour online.
Globe Telecom also supports donations to 13 partner humanitarian organisations with rewards points and money through its digital platform, Globe Rewards.
"Aside from just looking at it from an inclusivity perspective, there's always a social, economic and environmental impact that technology can do," Globe Telecom sustainability and social responsibility head Apple Evangelista says.
IOI Corporation Berhad
The company has undertaken a journey to digitally transform to drive social inclusion and greater efficiency of its operations.
Its enterprise resource planning system also allows wage monitoring that ensures prompt and fair wage disbursement, prevents work hours from being manipulated and provides straightforward access to headcount status.
Moreover, its e-wallet system, Merchantrade, was also applied for online salary disbursement to remove wage pilfering.
"With technology, our opportunities are endless. It actually helps our workers, gives women empowerment [and] allows children to be able to be educated," IOI Corporation Berhad sustainability group head Dr Surina Ismail says.
"We can continue with that by improving connectivity, building capacity, and making sure that social inclusion is about everybody, not just those who are (fortunately) exposed to digital transformation."
The panel of judges for this year's ASEAN Tech for ESG Awards includes Industry Platform CFA CEO Irza Suprapto, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group East, Southeast Asia and Oceania, global south diversity lead regional director Milag San Jose-Ballesteros, Asian Development Bank technology innovation digital innovation and architecture division principal IT specialist director Ozzeir Khan, and Oracle JAPAC systems and alliances and channels senior vice president Han Chung Heng.
"It's great that we're putting a bigger spotlight on sustainability across Southeast Asia, as seen by all the finalists," Han Chung Heng says.
"The role of technology in achieving our sustainability goals cannot be denied. In fact, Oracle's recent 'No Planet B' study revealed that 66% of people in Asia Pacific believe bots will succeed where humans have failed with corporate sustainability.
"The 9 projects by the finalists is a promising signal that we are on the right path to create a world where man and machine can co-exist to positively impact businesses, communities and the planet."
The awards will be presented to the winners at the 2022 AIBP ASEAN Innovation Retreat, which is hosted by AIBP and supported by Oracle and will be held in Singapore on 4 July 2022.